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The Whitten University Center is a hub for community and learning on the University of Miami campus.
University of Miami Student Village

Reimagining a Community and Learning Hub

Project Location

Coral Gables, FL


University of Miami


15,000 SF


Planning, construction administration, construction documents, cost estimating, experiential graphic design, MEP assessment, and programming

The Whitten University Center is a hub for community and learning on the University of Miami campus. The building’s second floor is home to various departments and student organizations, inclusive of Multicultural Student Affairs and the group’s administrative suite of support spaces, Student Government offices, and organizational suites for student groups. Within this space, students have access to a wealth of resources that facilitate their engagement with these organizations.

Our team was personally invited by the university to lead the planning and engagement of the second-floor multicultural lounge remodel in order to create a welcoming, social destination that provides greater access to the resources available to students. An integrated team of architects, interior designers, and engineers helped build consensus for the re-programming and remodel concept for the 15,000 SF of available space. Through a robust student and staff 360 Engagement process, we worked alongside the University of Miami to reimagine and reprioritize its purpose for these spaces into an area that is more cohesive, collaborative, functional, and inviting to the variety of student groups represented on campus.

The renovation of the Whitten University Center second floor multicultural lounge transforms the space into a new Student Village, representing both cultural and non-cultural student groups. Featured in the 15,000-SF space are the Multicultural Student Affairs and their administrative suite of support spaces, Student Government offices, and organizational suites dedicated to Veterans, LGBTQ+, graduate students, and many other developing student groups. The new design creates a functional, aesthetically pleasing, accessible, and inclusive space that truly captures the essence of the university’s values and vision.


Addressing Wellbeing Needs for Every Student

A higher ed campus mirrors a diverse community; success isn't just academics, but holistic, embracing each student's needs and wellbeing.

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