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Everyone deserves access to opportunity, reward, safety, and security, regardless of their identity. Our commitment to a more equitable and just society means we invest time, energy, and resources to bring about positive outcomes for historically excluded people through design.

GIS for Equity Outcomes

Stretching Industry Tools Toward New Outcomes

Part of an equity lens is evolving the way we use common industry tools to drive equitable design solutions. Geographic information systems has been in use since the 1960’s. Today, we’re part of a new vanguard defining and testing principles for its equitable application.

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Within Our Walls

Real, lasting change starts by holding up a mirror aiming to understand not only the systems and institutions that form the basis of our society, but also the interpersonal and individual experiences in our offices. To this end, we have:

Our Equity Forum is a group of cross-disciplinary employee owners and leaders. The Forum engages employee-owners to explore where inequities may exist within our own walls and industry and take action to make a positive, lasting impact.

Personal Development Grants

Funding Equity-oriented Explorations

Awardees of this unique program have developed a children’s book with an inclusive cast of female STEM professionals, designed an exhibit of common ADA accessibility challenges, filmed a documentary on human rights at the U.S. Mexico border, created an interactive memorialization of queer Harlem landmarks, and documented unconscious biases that impact women in the workforce.

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Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Leader Jessica Bantom shares her vision for a path forward, accelerating DLR Group's ongoing equity work through honest, collaborative conversations.

In the Industry

Every child should have the opportunity to see themselves as an architect, an engineer, an interior designer, or a planner. We promote a more equitable future with racial and gender diversity in integrated design professions through outreach, mentoring, and leadership efforts beginning in elementary school and extending into professional life.

Jessica Bantom
Connect with me to start a conversation ➔ Jessica Bantom, Global Leader of Equity, Diversity, and Belonging

What We're Saying

Every project and client solution starts with a spark of an idea. Design thinking and problem solving are some of the ways we start to engage a design challenge.

Infinite Shade at the Chandler Art Museum illuminated in multicolor array at night

Meet our People

Our sector, discipline, and executive leaders are dispersed to mentor the next generation of employee-owners, counsel clients, and share their design voice in their local communities.

Black curved wall section with rounded dip in ceiling leading to dining. Left, translucent purple wall room below white wall

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